My non paying tenant stopped paying rent in December, I posted a 3 day notice on the 15th. I know I should have posted it earlier but I felt bad and he told me he was gonna pay. Anyways I went to the court house around the 20th and a 5 day notice was finally posted on his door on the 5th of January. He failed to pay rent into the court registry by the 15th so now I am waiting for writ of the possession which should be any day now. Any suggestions on what to do when the sheriff calls me to set up a time to go to the property?
We normally will meet the sheriff as soon as they are able to. If we know that the house is occupied we will shop up with a locksmith and a few movers so that we can get in and get out quick. Once the Sheriff checks out every room to make sure it is clear they don't like to hang out to long so we change all the locks on the doors and move out any belongings to the curb. Best of luck to you and let us know how it turned out.